About NFT Apparel

We are MultiVac Maximalist. We love the project and wanted to pay tribute to the MultiVac community in our first season. And we understand our expenditures in everyday life and the amount of resources we use, so we want to make a small but impactful and positive change in the way we deal with apparel and crypto technology. A more eco-conscious and friendly way to do business that is scalable and sustainable with little impact to earth as possible.

JC Mai


NFT Apparel is set to disrupt today’s online apparel industry and NFT Market Place. Not everyone needs an NFT but everyone needs clothes. 

Keanu Tanakaa

One of the biggest challenges we are trying to tackle are water and energy waste. It’s why we are excited to be part of the the evolution of improving the apparel and NFT industry by using sustainable apparel, reducing our energy consumption and water waste. 

A charitable crypto project that helps those in need. Reducing NFT electricity consumption.

fashion & water

“Modern civilization and apparel is sucking up our already scarce water and it’s leaving a catastrophic ecological impact.”

Each year, 2 billion T-shirts are sold globally. It takes about 766 gallons of water just to make one single white T-shirt. All life depends on water but we have become unaware of the amount we are wasting.


Junji Hashimoto. A Water Journalist and Director of WaterAid Japan.

For NFTs, the carbon footprint of the average transaction with minting, bidding, selling and transferring NFTs is 369 kWh, 10 times the power your refrigerator uses in a month. And majority of NFTs are an inexcusable amount of wasted energy.

Colored T-shirts wastes much more water and add more water contaminates than white T-shirts. Harmful heavy metals like lead, toxic chemicals are used to create synthetic dyes for our clothes and they are often released into the environment and water streams. 

Many people left with no choice, consume the polluted water suffer and from digestive issues causing death.

The once fourth largest lake in the world, Aral Sea is now reduced to one-tenth of its original size from decades of irrigation for cotton and wheat. In 2014, the Eastern lobe completely dried up for the first time in 600 years.


How can I help

What can we do to help is reuse things as much as possible and buy things we need secondhand when possible. We understand nobody wants to look cheap but being cheap is the new Smart. If we are aware of the toll textiles takes on earth and of the many steps pollution takes from extraction of raw materials, fertilizers, pesticides, the transportation around the world we won’t think twice when buying secondhand. Where can you start? Start in your closet. Sell, buy & trade your clothes in the NFT Apparel Marketplace. Let’s do this together.

Donate your used clothes you don’t want, pots, pans, anything you can so we can provide food, water clothing to those in need. 

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